Eliminate Your Competition for Select Keyword Phrases

It Doesn't Matter how big your Competition is!

Small businesses often couldn't compete with massive corporate websites - until now! And if it doesn't work, you don't pay. No risk.

We Research the Best Keywords For You

On average, campaigns only take 30-45 days to start working on Bing and YouTube. Don't wait for your competitors to get there first. Keywords are exclusive - once taken, they are GONE. There's no double-dipping in this pool.

Watch our 3-minute Explainer Video - You have to see it to believe it!

Do you know how to get search engines to recommend your business? We do!

Get exclusively recommended today!

It's Always Better When

You're First In Line

We are Your Competitive Edge Online

When your company name is trending in the auto-suggestion or auto-complete for major search engines, the user sees your brand first, and assumes your brand/company is already a popular choice. Popularity leads to more clicks and visits. More clicks and visits give your website higher authority online - for real - and our dream campaign become a self-fulling reality.

Find out more

Slay The Competition Online


What is Slay The Competition Online ?

Slay The Competition Online is a small business just like you. We know it's a tough online world out there, and you're busy getting work done. We are the expert guide who will help you be the Number One choice online for the new potential customers searching for you RIGHT NOW. More leads means more sales. More sales means more profits leading to better paid staff, more resources and STABILITY for your business.


All we want to do is Slay The Competition Online so your brand is visible, not buried under massive corporate websites that gobble up the majority of the new leads.


Google says that about 71% of online searchers use  auto-complete suggestions.  That's where you will be.

Cost Effective

Our campaigns are offered at a flat monthly fee and are suprisingly affordable. If the campaign fails for 30+ days, you don't pay for that month.

Competitive Edge

Showing up in the auto-suggestion list puts your brand first in line - and the longer the campaign runs, the more mojo it gets.


Unliked most paid ad campaigns, no one else can purchase the same keywords. Once a keyword is sold - that's it! As long as the campaign runs - it's untouchable.

Act fast because if a keyword phrase is taken by your competition, it's gone.

  • Nab the majority of online traffic for your industry - no limit on the number of keywords.

  • Gain top-of-mind visibility for important keywords - every time someone types them, they will see your brand.

  • Use our campaigns for the short high-volume keywords to save money on your pay-per-click campaigns.

  • Boost your online traffic and sales with the increased online visibility.

  • Standard SEO can take months or even years. Cut out months of waiting for SEO to bite and get visible in 30-45 days.

Boost Online Traffic & Leads. Budget-Friendly & Effective.

Your customers need help. So help them find you.

This is a unique, innovative and distruptive campaign that is making waves in the online marketing world.  Get on board now before your competition figures it out and scoops up the best keywords.

  • Gain new customers and bypass your competition.

  • Show up in front of every customer looking for you in Google, Bing and/or YouTube.

  • Affordable flat-rates fit most small business budgets.

  • Campaigns work on both desktop and mobile devices.

Dominate Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)

We build an unstoppable online presence for you that dominates the first page of search results. It's all about you - literally!

Innovative Technology

Only one vendor in the world has cracked the search box optimization code.  Others have tried - and failed. Join the winning team and create your success.

Simple Process

The process is easy.  We work with you to develop the best keyword phrases to deploy and submit the campaign. 45-60 days later, it's live or you don't pay.

Works All Over the World

Any potential lead searching your campaign keyword phrase will be introduced to you, regardless of their location.

Mobile Device Ready

Just like Google, Bing and Youtube search engines, our campaigns work flawlessly on all mobile devices.

Cost Effective

Even when the clicks, impressions, visits, leads and sales go up, our flat-fee campaigns will remain affordable. Higher ROI for you!

Getting started is easy.

The hardest part is selecting the keywords. But we do all the heavy lifting in that department. The steps are 1. Research, 2. Reserve (pay the reservation fee), 3. Remove the competition! All of the results of the campaign are tracked via your Google Analytics and Google Search Consule. If you don't already have those set up, we can set them up for you.


Still not convinced?

Question: Do I have to keep paying while we wait for our business to show up in auto-complete? 

Answer:  No.  After you make your initial payment, you will not make another payment until one of your keywords is in auto-complete.

Question: Will I show up on mobile searches?

Answer:  Yes.  You will show up on any device in Google, Bing and/or YouTube (whichever search engines are part of your campaign).

Question: How long does it take for our company to show up in auto-complete?

Answer:  You typically start seeing your company in Bing and/or YouTube within 45-60 days, and you will start seeing your company in Google within 75-120 days. But we have seen results within 2 weeks, in some instances.

Local and national

We have marketing programs for local and national companies in both the USA and Canada.

Local Marketing Program

Got a brick and mortar business? Take advantage of our flat-rate and affordable fees to scoop up the maximum amount of local traffic for your industry.  Your potential and new customers will see your name repeated over and over at just the right time. 


Our campaigns are also a tiny but effective billboard in just the right place. And you know what they say about, "being in the right place and time," when it comes to making a fortune!

National Marketing Program

E-commerce and businesses with wider audience benefit from our national campaigns, available in the USA and Canada. 


Think, "near me" type keywords for multi-location businesses, and those short (but very high volume) keywords that are unaffordable on Google Pay Per Click. In most cases, our campaigns may cut PPC costs in half. The question is, are your best keywords still available? Find out here.

We can get you results.

Exclusive Support

As each keyword phrase campaign goes live on a search engine, we send a notification to let you know. You'll want to prepare to get more leads! We work with you to ensure that the desired results are being obtained.

Lead Conversion

Once the problem of new leads has been solved, the next step is making sure the new leads are being converted into sales. While lead conversion is outside the scope of our keyword campaigns, we do offer solutions. Just ask.

What They Say

We saw the results.  When our customers search for adoption services in Canada, our name shows in the auto-suggest, and customers are using this to find us.  The Autocomplete-Optimization program works great.

- Mr. Brown
Canada Adoption

We opted to get as many keyword phrases as possible so we could own the search market.  We are extremely happy.  They deliver the results they promise.

- Mr. Jesse
Dallas Mortgages

Get started today and own the keyword phrases where customers find you the most.